SMSman.exe Overview

Any supported computer can become a Systems Management Server (SMS) client by running the The Systems Management Installation Wizard (SMSman.exe). The only requirement is that the potential client have a network connection to an SMS logon point and use a compatible language. (Ask your network administrator which servers are SMS Logon points.)

SMSman.exe exists on all SMS logon points in the platform.bin\00000409 directory. A potential or existing client can log on to an SMS logon point and run SMSman.exe. Alternatively, SMSman.exe can be run from any of the following locations:

Running SMSman.exe has the same effect on the client as running Smsls.bat; the same files are installed on the client in the same locations.

SMSman.exe Command Options

Note   For NetWare bindery, the command syntax is SMSman /b and for NetWare NDS, the command syntax is SMSman /n. In either case, you must explicitly specify the bindery location and volume, or the NDS tree, in the Systems Management Installation Wizard screen.

Displays command options.
Runs in automated mode. Requires no user interaction, but displays the results of the command.
Use on clients that use the NetWare bindery network operating system.
/D DomainName
Where DomainName is a domain that contains a client access point (CAP).
Displays command options.
Use on clients that use the NetWare NDS network operating system.
No automatic search for client access points.
Runs in quiet mode. Requires no user interaction and does not display the results of the command.
/S ServerName
Where ServerName is a server that is a CAP.
/V 0
No log output. Cannot be used with other /V options.
/V 1
Terse log output. Cannot be used with other /V options.
/V 2
Verbose log output. Cannot be used with other /V options.
/V 3
Debug mode. Cannot be used with other /V options.